Glenda and I started building our library in 1974, after we returned from England and were living near Saint John. The first book shop that I can remember going to on a regular basis was The Cricket in Sussex, New Brunswick. The proprietor was a very likeable, big bearded man who was also an accomplished artist. As my readers know, I like unusual things so when upon entering the bookshop in March 1975, my eyes were drawn to a set of bound newspapers from the mid-nineteenth century – price $25. I bought them, of course. In 1976 the bookseller offered me $50 for the small stack. He planned on selling them on an individual issue basis. I politely refused, again of course.
The Nova Scotia Royal Gazette; printed by John Howe & Son, printers to the Queen’s Most Excellent Majesty, at their Office near the Parade, Halifax. Issues from May 1840 to December 1841.
These newspapers are a delight to read. And the balance on this musing will be photos of selected snippets – and Boy-Oh-Boy – it was not easy choosing from the hundreds of interesting titbits. Last words – keep your eyes out for a photo regarding lighthouses signed by a gentleman - S. Cunard!
(insert all the photos in sequence)