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Sebastian Kruger - Caricaturist

· Caricatures,Sebastian Kruger,The Rolling Stones,King Charles,Fine Book Collecting

Almost since the invention of printing, caricaturists have been having a field day. Often, a brutal field day. France and England were hotbeds for caricaturists in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. You may have never heard of Sebastian Kruger, and neither did I until I saw this oversized book with a caricature of Marlon Brando as “The Godfather” on the cover. It caught my attention, and the contents of this book are wonderful. I don’t think many of the subjects were too offended. In fact, his book prior to this one was called “Stones” featuring Mick and the Boys, who were good friends with Kruger.

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Kruger Stars; with text by Michael Lang; Morpheus International, Beverly Hills, CA, 1997.

This was the first English translation of the book that was originally in Germany. And, by the way, this is the first book that I have ever seen where the publisher was located in Beverly Hills.

Sebastian Kruger was born in Germany in 1963. He broke off his study of fine arts in 1986 to pursue a career as a freelance caricaturist, illustrator and painter. He did so with great success: his work is seen on the front covers of Spiegel, Stern and L’Espresso as well as in satire and music magazines and on the LP/CD covers of a number of rock groups. The well known Wilhelm-Busch Museum in Hannover exhibited a large number of his works in 1994, including about 200 originals. This show went on to tour many European cities including Berlin, Munich and Vienna.

A picture is worth a thousand words, as they say, so with no further ado enjoy these works of art featuring famous people that you will easily recognize.

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My muse, Sabrina

Sabrina lives on the shoreline of St. Margarets Bay, Nova Scotia. She has been there for a long, long time. She doesn’t get around much, but she enjoys being in the salt water. She changes her hair style twice a day and changes her glasses to fit the weather conditions and her temperament.

I walked past Sabrina almost every day for the past twenty some years, first with Gryphon and then with Freyja, our wonderful Belgian Shepherds. Now, I walk by Sabrina by myself.

She started to reach out to me just over the past couple of years. I started to stop and look at her beautiful hair and she started to respond to my attention by planting thoughts in my head. Good thoughts, encouraging thoughts, stimulating thoughts, influential thoughts. She has become my muse. Although, I must confess some days she is stone-faced and refuses to talk to me. Thankfully, not often.

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