This is the last book that I completed reading in 2023 – December 28. And it was a wonderful book to take that spot. It is a gem of a book, focused on booklovers and their libraries featuring those from the United States and Britain. Several pages are dedicated to the booklovers and their libraries interspersed with coverage of various book collecting interests.

At Home with Books: How Booklovers Live With and Care for Their Libraries; Estelle Ellis, Caroline Seebohm, and Christopher Simon Sykes; Carol Southern Books, New York, 1995. First edition.
As you can see from the photos above, there are some very well-known personalities and some that you have never heard of. But they share the same passion. Just like me and just like you.

What is fun is that for every booklover(s) there is a quotation from them that is relevant to their book loving activity. Here are a few of them:
Ruth and Marvin Sackner
You can’t want to be a collector; you’re born that way. Driven.
Joan Vass
I’ve been reading in the tub since I was nine, and may even drown someday. What a wonderful way to go.
Nicolas Barker
When people ask me, “Do you collect books?” I always say, “No, Books Collect me.”

Sir Fitzroy MacLean
I find my books by instinct. (so true - when I receive an order for a book I posted 5 years ago!)
Keith Richards
After a life on the road, reading anchors me.
Peter Cannell
Your books are your personal history. You are what you read.